Pineapple is a sweet, juicy fruit that we humans can use to add a tropical twist to all kinds of dishes. It’s natural to wonder if our dogs can enjoy pineapple, too. The short answer is yes: dogs can safely consume fresh pineapple in small quantities. However, it’s important to properly prepare the fruit before letting your friend dig in.
Is pineapple safe for dogs to eat?
As long as it’s fresh, small amounts of raw pineapple are perfectly safe for dogs to eat. Never feed your dog pineapple juice, canned pineapple, or any other non-fresh forms of the fruit, since many pineapple products contain added sugar or xylitol—a sweetener that’s toxic to dogs.
How much pineapple is safe for dogs to eat?
According to Michelle Diener, DVM, pineapple (or other treats) shouldn’t make up more than 10% of a dog’s diet at any time. Your dog needs a variety of nutrients to stay in good health, and too much of a “good thing” like treats can disrupt this balance.
You can determine a safe amount of pineapple to give your dog based on their weight. Our experts have summarized recommended portion sizes of fresh pineapple for different-sized dogs below, giving you the information you need to confidently feed your furry friend.
👉 Pieces, in this case, mean small, bite-sized chunks (about 1 inch x 1 inch x ¼-inch thick). Following this guide standardizes your portion and can prevent potential choking hazards.
Is pineapple good for dogs?
Pineapple is a healthy treat that contains vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. It is good for your dog, in small doses.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the benefits your pup is enjoying in every chunk of pineapple:
- Vitamins. Pineapple is packed full of beneficial vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, and thiamin—known as vitamin B1. These nutrients play key roles in boosting energy levels, supporting your dog’s immune system, and reducing inflammation. Vitamin C can also help reduce cognitive aging (Trusted Source) in older dogs.
- Minerals. This tropical fruit includes many essential minerals for your pet, including manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and zinc. These nutrients support strong bones, ligaments, and tissues in your pet. They also promote healthy skin and a shining coat.
- Fiber. Pineapple is known for its high fiber content, which provides extra support to your dog’s digestive health when given in small amounts. Too much fiber can upset a dog’s stomach, though, so make sure to treat your pet in moderation.
- Enzymes. Supplemental enzymes (Trusted Source) give additional support to a dog’s immune system. Pineapple naturally contains a helpful enzyme for canines known as bromelain, which plays an important role in helping a dog’s body absorb proteins faster. B vitamins found in pineapple, like riboflavin and niacin, also support proper enzyme function.
- Antioxidants. Fruits like apples, berries, and pineapple are rich in antioxidants, which are responsible for boosting your pet’s immune system and repairing damaged cells. They can also actively protect your dog from the various environmental toxins (Trusted Source) they’re exposed to regularly.
- Water. Pineapple is about 82% water, which means it’s a great way to keep your pup hydrated on a hot summer day (or all year round!).
👉 Remember, if your dog is eating a well-balanced diet, they don’t need new foods like pineapple to get these nutrients. However, it wouldn’t hurt them to get a small boost!
Potential hazards to watch for
While there are many benefits to feeding a pooch pineapple, there are also a few details about this juicy fruit that dog owners should take note of.
The possible risks associated with eating pineapple include:
- High fiber and natural sugar content. Pineapple can cause an upset stomach in some dogs, especially when consumed in large quantities. It’s important only to feed your dog small amounts as an occasional treat to avoid giving them too much sugar and upsetting their digestive tract. Signs your dog has eaten too much pineapple include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and a decreased appetite.
- Possible pineapple allergies. If your dog exhibits any of the symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) upset listed above, they may be allergic to pineapple. Consult your vet for more information on diagnosing and treating canine food allergies, and don’t feed your dog pineapple without clearance from your veterinarian.
- Indigestible bits. Parts of the pineapple fruit including the skin, green crown, and core are too dense for dogs (and humans) to properly digest, and can result in choking or intestinal blockages. Make sure to remove these parts before giving it to your dog to prevent potential obstructions.
- Potential for harmful additives. Never feed your dog pineapple that’s been canned, dried, or pre-packaged in any other way. Fresh pineapple may be safe for dogs to eat in small quantities, but store-bought pineapple products contain harmful additives including sugars, syrups, and xylitol—an artificial sweetener that’s been linked to liver failure in dogs.
Fun ways to feed your dog pineapple
When preparing a pineapple to feed to your dog, follow the same preparation method for humans (with a few extra precautions). Start by removing the inedible pieces like the skin, core, and green crown, then cut the fleshy part of the fruit into bite-size pieces to eliminate the risk of choking.
Once you’re done with the prep, you can store and eat small chunks of raw pineapple in the refrigerator for three to four days. You can also freeze extra pineapple to make it last longer.
Try one of these methods to feed your dog pineapple safely:
Add frozen pineapple to your dog’s water
This option is a fun way to keep your pet cool. Simply freeze pineapple cubes and place them in your dog’s water, making a refreshing, tropical drink. If you’re feeling adventurous, throw in a few cucumber slices for a bonus snack.
👉 If you use this method, remember to keep all the pieces and cubes small to steer clear of choking hazards — especially if your dog is a small breed.
Blend pineapple in a dog-friendly fresh fruit smoothie
Mix up pieces of fresh pineapple with other dog-safe fruits, like bananas, cantaloupe, blueberries, and strawberries. Then, serve this flavorful treat in a bowl or freeze it in a Kong to keep your dog busy for a few hours.
We do want to note: Most dogs are advised to stay away from dairy in general, but you may be able to add some plain Greek yogurt into the mix and whip up some mouth-watering pineapple pupsicles if your vet gives the okay.
Serve it fresh
With this method, you can treat your dog to fresh-cut pineapple as a tasty afternoon treat or a reward for good behavior. We recommend sticking to small, ¼-inch pieces, hiding them under your dog’s usual dry or wet food to encourage them to eat that before getting to the good stuff.
If your dog isn’t a huge fan of this tangy fruit, there are other safe and healthy human foods for them to enjoy. Apples, bananas, blueberries, and mangoes are dog-friendly fruits for equally tasty treats.
👉 Make sure to do some research and ask a vet before introducing any human food into your dog’s diet. Some seemingly “healthy” foods (like grapes) are actually extremely toxic to dogs.
Frequently asked questions
What if my dog ate a piece of pineapple?
Don’t worry; pineapple is safe and nutritious for dogs to eat in moderation. Keep an eye out for signs of an upset stomach or diarrhea if your dog has never had pineapple before.
Is pineapple juice OK for dogs?
No, it’s never a good idea to give your dog pineapple juice due to its high sugar content. Some pineapple juices can also include harmful added ingredients to dogs, like xylitol.
Is pineapple toxic to dogs?
Raw pineapple is safe to feed your canine in small amounts, as long as you remove the skin, green crown, and central core of the pineapple. Make sure to cut the pineapple into small, bite-sized pieces, as large chunks are a choking hazard.
Canned pineapple and pineapple juice are not safe to give your dog due to added sugars that could upset or harm your dog’s digestive system.
Does pineapple cause diarrhea in dogs?
Large amounts of pineapple can cause trouble in a dog’s digestive system and lead to diarrhea. This is due to the fruit’s high fiber and sugar content.
Can pineapple cause vomiting in dogs?
Pineapple doesn’t usually cause vomiting in dogs. If your dog experiences vomiting after eating pineapple, call your vet for advice as they may be allergic.