For the Purrbabies

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Nobody wants to wake up to a mess on the floor. Use these tips and tricks to ensure your cat is using its litter box.
Once your little kitten is four weeks old, you can introduce them to the litter box and the idea of litter box training. It’s a multi-step process that requires patience and positivity — but we promise it’ll be worth it in the end!
If you’re looking for extra support, you’re in the right place. We’ve put together this helpful guide to show you how to litter train a kitten while keeping the process as painless as possible.
Litter box training should start when the kitten is four weeks old, as this is about the time they start weaning from their mother. Before this point, mothers take care of the kittens and help them learn to “go,” or you might help them with a damp towel or cotton ball if they’re weaned early.
A step-by-step guide to kitten litter box training
Most kittens will instinctively use the litter box. But, in some cases, they need you to show them how. Follow these steps and your kitten will be ready to go to the bathroom in no time.
It is important to remember that cats, both young kittens and adult cats, are known to be picky. There are many options for cat litter and boxes, from sandy or crystalline to clay-based. Cat owners will need to set up boxes with different types of litter to see what the kitten prefers.
Before we get into litter, let’s pick a box to fill. The most common box types include:
Not sure which litter box to choose? You could always ask your veterinarian’s opinion. However, a general rule of thumb, litter boxes need to be 1.5 times as long as your feline friend is from nose to the base of their tail. This size ensures they have the room to walk in, turn around, paw about, and eventually do their business.
While some owners will want an open box to make removing the pee or poop easier, there are careful considerations you have to make. If your cat wants privacy while doing the deed, an open-air box can make them uncomfortable and less likely to go.
From experience, most cats (my patients and own pets included) appreciate the bigger, open boxes. And my hooded/covered boxes aren't used as often except in the case of [smaller, younger cats]. My guess for the big box preference is that it is less smelly and cleaner, plus there is lots of room to turn when pooping. Cats are big on being clean, after all.
Dr. Erica Irish
Low sides on the litter box mean your cat can accidentally fling litter and excrement out of the box. However, with kitten litter box training, lower sides allow them to get in and out with little trouble. Lower sides will also be helpful if you have a senior cat suffering from arthritis.
Your litter choice can impact your cat’s health, which is why it’s so critical to get it right from the start of your litter training experience. Generally speaking, it’s best to avoid options with chemicals and toxins.
Common litter options include:
If you’re not sure which litter to choose, consider asking your veterinarian to weigh in. They can also advise on any allergy risks for your pet based on their specific profile of needs.
Just like a young child, your cat might not know they need to go until they’re about to “go.” To avoid messes, have multiple potty spots around the house; averaging at least one potty spot on every floor of your house. After you make that count, it’s best to throw in an extra one, especially if you have multiple cats. Doing this step pre-emptively can limit territorial behavior later on.
Once you have your litter boxes and cat litter picked out and placed around the house, it’s time to get your kitten acquainted with them. Show them where they are and let them get familiar with it, and then you can start by gently placing your kitten in the litter. They might begin instinctually pawing at or using the litter; you can inspire them to do this by running your fingers through it if they don’t.
Your kitten may not always use the litter at the first introduction, but practice makes perfect. In addition to showing them the box and how to use it, you can place your kitten in the box after they eat, drink, or wake up from naps to inspire them.
If they try to go anywhere outside the box, gently redirect them to the box to try to get them to go. You can try to keep them in the area for five to ten minutes, seeing if the mood strikes after these key points in their day.
It is important to establish a positive association with the litter box and going to the bathroom. One effective way to do this is by rewarding your cat with their favorite treat as soon as they finish using the litterbox. This positive reinforcement will help them to associate using the litter box with getting a reward. They will want to replicate this success to get more treats.
Even when your kitten or older cat has an accident or misses the litter box, keeping a positive attitude is important. Punishing your cat or pushing their face into the mess creates more issues. This can traumatize kittens and adult cats, causing them to hide their waste or become fearful of you as the owner or going potty at all. Simply clean up the mess and reinforce that they use the litter box on the next try.
As you train, try to remain aware of your emotional state. Your cats can pick up on your emotional cues, which can directly impact their ability to emotionally regulate (Trusted Source).
👉 Accidents do happen — and when they do, they should be cleaned with a pet-safe enzyme cleaner to erase the “scent”. Using this type of cleaner helps to prevent future accidents.
🚨 When cats of any age don’t go to the bathroom regularly, this can lead to problems like UTIs and diarrhea. Have them seen by the vet right away.
Even with these tips, you might find yourself having difficulty getting your kitten or older cat to use the litterbox. This is not always due to your cat not knowing how, but rather your cat’s preference and the set-up of your litter station.
Here are some tips to help troubleshoot if you are still having issues.
The potty training process can have its ups and downs. Here’s our quick-start troubleshooting guide to help get you through the lows and back to the mountaintops.
Outside of the reasons mentioned above, we do want to note that health issues could be causing these sudden changes. It is best to take your cat to the vet to ensure there isn’t anything worse lurking under the surface.
Here are a few possible health concerns that can lead to potty troubles down the line:
🚨 If your cat suddenly starts having accidents or issues, please take them to the vet. Early vet attention and prevention can help stop many health issues from taking root.
While litter box training can be difficult, it can be done over time — and the process and “I got it!” moment can be incredibly rewarding for both you and your feline friend. As you go through the process, remember to stay calm and collected, even if accidents happen.
Prepare by purchasing the right potty tools for your cat, and monitor their behavior to assess for progress. If you need extra help, your veterinarian can be a helpful resource to you through this process, keeping both you and your pet moving at a proper pace.
While most cats will take to using the litter box instinctively, others will require patience and perseverance on your part. You might have to put them in the litter box for several days until they understand what it is for, but kittens will generally be trained within a few weeks.
If your kitten has issues getting used to the litter box, putting them in after meals and when they wake up from a nap should help. However, it might be helpful to try other litter types if you’re not seeing progress with your kitten.
Kittens often train at their own pace. However, many pet parents find luck using the cat campout method, sitting in the potty spot with the pet and placing them in the box over set time increments. You can also take a more “hands-off” approach to the training process, only sitting with your cat and pottying them after key points in their day — such as after mealtimes.
Kitties should be 4 weeks or older when they start the litter training process. However, you can train or re-train your cat any time past this point.
It can be difficult to litter train a kitten. However, the process can be made easier with a positive outlook and a lot of patience. Prepare early on by speaking to your veterinarian, gathering supplies, and shifting your mindset. Both you and your kitten will feel the difference!