For the Purrbabies

Many pet parents think cats can handle the cold better than humans. After all, they have fur all over their body, shouldn’t they be able to withstand a little cold weather? The truth is, cats get cold faster and more often than their owners. Any time the temperature drops to 45 or below, you’ll need to provide your outdoor cat with a way to get warm. If cat owners aren’t careful, frost bite can start to set in (and more quickly than you’d think).
All cats have the same natural body temperature of 100 to 102°F. Your cat’s body temperature shouldn’t be allowed to get cooler than 99 to 100°F; otherwise, mild hypothermia symptoms can set in. So how cold is too cold for cats, and what can you do to protect your furbaby during the winter months? Read on to find out.
We all shiver a little inside our homes in the winter. This is true for your feline friend, too. While you may be tempted to save a little on energy and bundle up, it’s important to keep your pet in mind before cranking down the heat.
The absolute lowest (Trusted Source) your home should be is 50°F. As long as the ambient temperature of your home is hovering somewhere between 60 and 70°F, your indoor kitty will be fine during the cold winter months. It’s also important not to overheat your home, either. Anything above 80°F is too warm for your kitty.
Keep this in mind when you’re turning on the heat — and in the summertime, when you’re trying to save on energy bills.
It’s fair to say that outdoor cats may be more acclimated to chilly weather and can therefore cope better in the cold if they have a safe, warm place where they can go. Even so, 32°F is too cold for a cat, even if they are mostly an outdoor or feral kitty.
Outdoor, stray, and feral cats are all susceptible to the cold. Feral cats may be the most equipped to live outside in the cold winter months because they live in groups, but even they need some help. Feral and stray cats survive cold weather by looking for shelter in abandoned buildings, holes in the ground, or deserted cars.
While these are okay spots for these kitties to go, they will still be in danger if the temperature drops below what cats can tolerate outside. Also, there’s a risk of serious injury to kittens who seek refuge in car engine compartments if the car is still started with them still in it. No cat should be left outside without shelter once the temperature drops below freezing. Cats can only survive for 3 to 4 days in weather around or below 20°F.
👉 Outdoor cats shouldn’t be out all day and night when temperatures are averaging 45°F (7°C) (Trusted Source) or colder.
A good rule of thumb is that if you feel cold, chances are your cat does, too. You can also read your cat’s body language. If you notice any of the following, try to warm up your house and provide some blankets and bedding for your cat to use:
Make sure to be on the lookout for warning signs of hypothermia. Watch extra closely if your cat is sick or a senior.
All of these symptoms require immediate veterinary attention.
Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures increases the risk of damage to all the body systems. This includes affecting the function of the heart and bloodflow. Brain function, muscle control, and breathing can be impacted as well with increased exposure.
Dr. Dwight Alleyne
Frostbite (Trusted Source) is a serious concern for any cat that is outside for prolonged periods in temperatures below 32°F. It happens when blood vessels close to the skin start shrinking in size to try and keep the blood at the core of the body and maintain a stable core temperature. Signs of frostbite include:
🚨 If you think that your cat may have frostbite, see your veterinarian immediately.
It’s no surprise that a cat’s coat plays a key role in how well they may be able to handle cold weather. No matter the coat type, the cold affects each breed differently. It’s important to remember that just because a cat has a long coat doesn’t mean it’s equipped to cope with winter weather. Let’s take a look at how different coats affect different cats.
Kittens, senior cats, and cats suffering from health conditions will need extra help during the winter months since these kitties are much more susceptible to the cold. This can look like extra food, extra blankets, cat sweaters, and heated cat beds. There are a few things to consider when it comes to these different types of cats.
When a cat’s temperature drops even a little, it can be a serious issue. Make sure to keep your home at a comfortable temperature for them even when you’re not there. Blankets and beds are another great way to help them stay warm. Here are a few more ways to consider keeping them warm in winter.
They might not like it at first, but keeping your outdoor cat inside (Trusted Source) over winter is one way to help them stay safe. Be extra vigilant when opening (Trusted Source) and closing doors, as they may try to make a run for it. If your cat happens to get out, make sure you dry them off thoroughly (Trusted Source) when they come back inside. Try to limit their time outside as much as possible. Installing a cat flap and providing them with a good shelter (Trusted Source) to curl up and stay warm while outside can also help.
Make sure your cat has a warm place to curl up, preferably near heat or elevated up off the cold floor. You can even buy heating pads or hooded ‘cave’ beds if you live in an especially cold climate. Whichever style of bed you opt for, positioning them in corners away from drafty doors and windows is key. You could also just let your kitty snuggle into bed with you.
🚨 Don’t let your cat sleep directly on a heating mat, or use it without supervision, in order to avoid burns.
Draping a blanket over your cat while they sleep can be a good way to help them stay warm, especially if you’ve noticed them balling up tightly to preserve warmth. Aim for a loose cat-wrap effect rather than a cat-burrito, though.
Like humans, cats warm up when they move around. To warm your cat up during the winter months, build in extra playtime and get their paws pounding. This has the added bonus of helping you bond, too.
Make sure they have all the calories they need to keep warm. Giving an extra scoop of biscuits or incorporating wet food into their diet can help your cat keep warm and healthy in winter.
A good rule of thumb is to keep the house around 70 degrees so that your cat’s body temperature can stay where it needs to be (around 90 degrees). That being said, cats will be okay in indoor temperatures as low as 50. If your house is that cold, consider providing warmth in your cat’s bedding.
Pay close attention if you notice your cat sleeping in a tighter circle or snuggling more. This could be a sign that they are starting to get too cold. Other signs to watch for are shivering, shallow breathing, if they feel cool or cold to the touch, and if they are acting weak or lethargic.
As long as the temperature doesn’t drop below 45°F and the cat has access to a warm shelter, fresh food, and water, then yes, cats are OK outside in winter.
Anything below 45°F is considered to be unsafe for cats if they are left exposed for long periods of time.
Depending on their coat and their body weight, they may. Most cats will be fine with temperatures above 45°F, but be mindful of both indoor and outdoor temperatures. You may need to adjust your thermostat, or set out a warm place for yourcat if you like to keep it cool.
It is highly suggested that you keep your cat inside during the night for more than just temperature issues. There are road injury issues, predator issues, extreme temperatures, and inclimate weather issues that your cat will have to face if left outside.
Stray cats get cold like any other cat. Stray and feral cats do adapt to the elements, but will also seek warmth in the form of shelter like the underbody of cars or whatever else they can find.
Your cat shouldn’t be in there, especially as cars and garages are likely to harbor toxic products (Trusted Source) (like antifreeze) that could prove fatal to them. Don’t forget that feral and outdoor cats often like to hide in your car frame and wheel arches during the cold months, too. Make sure to knock loudly on the hood, blow your horn, and check your tires before starting your car.