Schnoodle: Dog breed characteristics & care

Schnoodle: Dog breed characteristics & care

The schnoodle is a blend of striking, hard working schnauzers and loving, easy going poodles. Here's what to know about the curly haired cutie.

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Breed overview

  • Breed group — Hybrid
  • Height — 18-22 inches
  • Weight — 20-75 pounds
  • Coat length & texture — Soft and wavy, medium length
  • Coat color — Black, copper, golden, champagne, ultra cream, red, parti, white, gray or apricot
  • Exercise needs — Medium
  • Intelligence — High
  • Barking — High, can be excessive
  • Life span — 10-16 years
  • Temperament — Determined, loyal and affectionate
  • Hypoallergenic — Yes
  • Origin — United States

Schnoodle fun facts

  • They’re a young breed. The Schnoodle is a relatively new breed that was first developed in the US in the 1980s.
  • They can’t be registered. Because they’re a mixed breed, schnoodles can’t be registered with the American Kennel Club. As it stands, there aren’t any registries that accept them
  • There’s several varieties. A Schnoodle is a mix of two breeds, a Poodle and a Schnauzer. Both breeds come in at least three (or four) sizes, as does the Schnoodle which can be toy, miniature, standard, or giant.

Schnoodle temperament and characteristics

The Schnoodle has a plethora of personality traits. They’re enthusiastic and cheerful dogs, yet they’re more than just a happy-go-lucky companion. Like their parent breeds, Schnoodles are alert and active and usually protective over their families. They’re known for their devotion and obedience and are considered easy to train, despite having a strong will. Male schnoodles, in particular, are highly affectionate and loving. As a breed standard, schnoodles tend to be territorial. Still, they’re generally friendly with strangers and other animals (cats included) if they’ve been well socialized.  

It’s important to socialize your schnoodle pup early to establish the foundation for how you’d like your dog to behave. Most schnoodles are great family dogs that love to play. Because they’re descended from working dog breeds, they’re not exactly couch potatoes. A standard schnoodle would do best with a spacious, fenced  area to get plenty of exercise.

Common schnoodle health problems

Schnoodles are a generally healthy breed. Still, they’re prone to certain health conditions that are hereditary in standard poodles or schnauzers and can sometimes get conditions from both.

  • Cataracts. A schnoodle’s susceptibility to cataracts comes from the poodle parent, since poodles are more genetically inclined to get them. Cataracts are the clouding of a portion or the entire lens of the eye, causing blurred vision and sensitivity to light. Early onset cataracts are pretty common in schnoodles.
  • Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease is another unfortunate condition commonly seen in standard schnoodles. Addison’s symptoms are vague, but can include lethargy, gastrointestinal problems, and weight loss. Most dogs can live well with treatment.
  • Epilepsy. Epilepsy, a neurological disorder causing seizures, is common in the standard schnauzer, therefore affecting standard schnoodles. Epilepsy episodes can range from being subtle and hardly detectable, to dramatic convulsions (or something in between). A dog is considered epileptic if they experience two or more seizures without a known cause.
  • Diabetes mellitus. This condition is characterized by elevated blood glucose in the pancreas, and the body’s inability to use it as an energy source. There are three types of diabetes mellitus in dogs, and usually two daily insulin shots and proper nutrition to manage the condition.

Cost of caring for schnoodles

The schnoodle is a designer dog in high demand. Because they’re so highly sought after, they can be quite expensive. Prospective pup parents should consider the cost of adoption, frequent grooming needs, and potential health problems before taking in a schnoodle.

Since schnoodles are a hybrid breed, they have a higher risk of inheriting health problems. Pet health insurance may be a good way to reduce out-of-pocket expenses. Owners who sign up their pets early will reap the greatest benefit. Generally speaking, schnoodles are considered to be pretty healthy, so dog parents may consider alternatives like a pet savings account to help with costs.

History of the schnoodle

The popularity of poodle mixed breeds can be traced back to the 1950s and ‘60s when cockapoos and labradoodles were in high demand. Poodle mixes were found to have a coveted temperament and adorable fluff, and the “doodle and oodle” craze gained increasing momentum. In the 1980s, the schnoodle was introduced by cross breeding a poodle and a schnauzer. The result was a charming addition to the doodle family that’s found its way into many homes across America.

white schnoodle

Caring for your schnoodle

Adopting a new puppy of any breed can be a bit overwhelming. There’s a lot to think about before you bring your four-legged-friend to its new house. Pet parents will need to make their first trip to the vet and schedule their dog’s vaccinations. We can even help you puppy-proof your home and prepare for things you might not think of, like teething. Of course, no one likes to think about losing their new dog, but it’s better to be prepared just in case.  FidoAlert provides a free Fido ID and tag for peace of mind. For schnoodle parents, it will be important to find a reputable groomer since poodle breed’s coats will need frequent upkeep.


Schnoodles are descended from two working breeds and are an alert and active canine. They’re also highly intelligent, requiring frequent mental stimulation. A bored schnoodle can be a destructive one, so pet owners should plan for 30-60 minutes of daily exercise or more when possible.

Standard schnoodles are very adaptable, and will easily adapt to the activity level of their owners. Because they love to be with you, a long walk or jog with their person will be great fun for the schnoodle and their owner. A good romp in a spacious area is also great for a schnoodle, but don’t plan to leave them outside too much. Schnoodles don’t do well with very hot or very cold weather, so exercise may look different depending on the season.

schnoodle with stick


When it comes to grooming, schnoodles can be on the high maintenance side. People are usually attracted to the dog’s hypoallergenic coat, but it requires a good bit of work. A schnoodle’s wavy locks don’t shed. Instead, they continue growing and can become matted and tangled without proper care. Schnoodle parents should plan to have their dog groomed every four to six weeks to keep their locks in pristine condition.

In between grooming appointments, owners can maintain their pup’s hair at home with a slicker brush, dematter, or pin brush depending on the dog’s specific fur. Normal grooming like nail trimming and teeth brushing are also important to your dog’s health. The schnauzer side, in particular, needs frequent ear cleaning, so schnoodle parents should plan to clean ears weekly.  

👉No breed is truly hypoallergenic. Allergic reactions occur due to the protein found in a dog’s dander, hair, and saliva. Dogs that are considered hypoallergenic simply shed less, and thus have a smaller effect on those with dog allergies.

Diet and nutrition

Schnoodles don’t require a special diet. The most important thing is to provide high-quality food that’s balanced with good proteins, carbohydrates, fats and necessary vitamins and minerals. As an active breed, schnoodles need higher amounts of animal protein from sources like chicken, fish, turkey and lamb.

Schnoodle puppies will need three to four smaller meals per day, while an adult schnoodle of standard size should eat twice, morning and night. Amount of food needed will depend on the size of your schnoodle, so refer to your vet for portioning.

Training your schnoodle

When it comes to training, a schnoodle can be a bit of a conundrum. Their strong-will and high intelligence can be a potential obstacle to training, yet that same intelligence mixed with their devotion and obedience makes them quite trainable. Overall, most schnoodle owners report that the breed is easy to train.

Schnoodles love to play and love to please, so incorporating play and positive reinforcement is a good training tactic. They’re also high energy, particularly as puppies, so early training is paramount. An untrained schnoodle is a ball of energy with enough wit to cause a ruckus. Fortunately, training pays off with a schnoodle and pup parents can easily raise a pleasant and well-mannered dog.

Breeds similar to the schnoodle

Not quite sure that a standard schnoodle is right for you? Even if you are, it’s worth taking the time to research and consider other similar breeds. First, consider that schnoodles come in toy, mini, standard and giant, each of which has their own pros and cons. Here are a few to get you started:

  • Goldendoodle. Most doodles have a lot in common. A goldendoodle tends to be less stubborn and suspicious and is extremely friendly, while a schnoodle can sometimes be more reserved with strangers. Both are good family dogs, and standard or large schnoodles are roughly the size of a golden.
  • Standard poodle. The standard poodle is a loving companion that doesn’t tolerate being alone, even more so than a schnoodle. Poodles tend to live a bit longer and have a lower prey drive, meaning they’re not as prone to chase or sniff out prey. They’re also more difficult to groom.
  • Standard schnauzer. On average, this tenacious pup is larger than the schnoodle no matter which size (mini, standard, or giant schnauzer). They’re very similar in temperament, as both arealert, affectionate, strong-willed and protective. The schnauzer has an easily recognizable, sharp appearance, whereas schnoodles vary in appearance.

Frequently asked questions

What are the cons of a schnoodle?

Schnoodles are prone to excessive barking, and don’t tolerate being left alone for long. Also, there are some genetic health risks stemming from their breed parents.

Is a schnoodle a good family dog?

Yes. Schnoodles are charming, playful, and devoted, and tend to be great with children. To avoid suspicion around strangers, schnoodles should be socialized as puppies.

Do schnoodles bark a lot?

Yes. Schnoodles are prone to excessive barking, especially when bored. Schnoodle owners can combat barking by giving their schnoodle plenty of stimulation and attention.

What is a schnoodle and what are its basic characteristics?

A schnoodle is a hybrid breed, created by crossing a schnauzer and a poodle. Schnoodles can be toy, miniature, standard or giant breeds. They’re generally obedient, affectionate, alert and active dogs who love to play and are highly intelligent.

What are the common health issues faced by schnoodles?

Because of their breed parents, schnoodles can suffer from cataracts, retinal atrophy, Addison’s disease, hip dysplasia, diabetes, epilepsy and legg-calve-perthes disease.

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