For the Purrbabies

As humans shift to healthier diets, pet parents want to provide the same for their pups.
Because of the abundant amount of health benefits for pet parents, many wonder if dogs can eat asparagus, too. Some dogs find this non-toxic veggie really yummy! Asparagus has a lot of health benefits for people and pets such as being a powerful antioxidant and beneficial anti-inflammatory properties.
There’s a reason why doctors tell us to eat our asparagus. The vegetable is full of vitamins and minerals that are good for us and good for dogs. It’s a good source of folic acid, potassium, fiber, thiamin, vitamin A, and vitamin B6, essential nutrients for dogs to have in a healthy diet.
Asparagus is also high in fiber, which dogs need to help keep their poop regular and healthy. Dogs can eat the tender parts of raw asparagus just like people can. Many pet owners cut the stalks into small pieces to lessen the chance of the vegetable becoming a choking hazard.
Asparagus offers many health benefits for dogs. Just like their pet parents, dogs can benefit from asparagus’s antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects. There is also research that links asparagus with an increase in cancer prevention.
Asparagus has a high number of antioxidants, including vitamin E, vitamin C, and glutathione. Antioxidants help protect our pups from free radicals that could cause harm to their cells.
Asparagus is high in polyphenols, a plant compound that helps relieve inflammation in the body. That means the vegetable is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help reduce pain and swelling.
There is evidence that increasing the intake of asparagus can help prevent cancer. It is a food that is high in folate, which helps fight against cancer production. A high fiber intake has also been linked to preventing cancer, and asparagus packs a fiber punch.
Even with the numerous health benefits of asparagus, there are some risks that pet owners need to keep in mind.
👉 Asparagus fern plant is not the same as asparagus. Asparagus fern is very toxic to dogs.
Because of how tough asparagus stalks are, if a dog is given too big of a piece, they could potentially choke on it while trying to eat it. Many dog owners will cut the stalks into small pieces. They will also cook the asparagus to make the hard stalks softer. One thing to keep in mind is that with cooking, some of the nutrients will be lost.
Although the fiber in asparagus is needed for our pup’s health, too much can cause some issues such as gas and bloating. Some dogs may even experience diarrhea from too much asparagus. Experts agree moderation is key to avoiding this problem.
This leads straight to the next concern. How exactly should asparagus be prepared and fed to our pups? In this case, simple cooking methods are better.
There are three main ways that plain asparagus can be prepared for your pooch. You can steam the stalks either with a traditional steamer or various other steaming methods, including a microwave or an egg cooker. Asparagus can also be boiled, either with a long boil for asparagus soup or a quick parboil. It is also delicious grilled or even in a smoothie blended with sweet potatoes and spinach.
Keeping it simple means avoiding seasonings and oils. Too much cooking oil and butter in a dog’s diet can cause serious issues and lead to obesity. Seasonings also need to be avoided because most will include an unhealthy amount of salt. Along with too much salt, these spices might also contain garlic and onion, which are both toxic to dogs.
Although there’s no specific amount recommended for dogs, veterinarians recommend keeping different treat options and human foods in the 10% rule. This means that treats and human foods should make up less than 10% of all that your dog’s diet.
Because of the increase in cost, asparagus may not be the best treat for your family. There are other vegetables that offer benefits as well. For example, broccoli has very similar antioxidant properties and important nutrients to asparagus. Pet parents will want to make sure the broccoli is cut into bite-sized pieces as well.
Carrots are also a popular veggie because of their high fiber content, as are green beans. Many pet parents have used them to help overweight dogs shed a few needed pounds.
👉 Always check (Trusted Source) with your veterinarian if a food is toxic before feeding it to your pup.
In summary, asparagus has really good health benefits for dogs and would be a great addition to your dog’s diet. However, because of its high fiber content, there are some risks associated with it as well. Always monitor your pup when they’re eating asparagus. A good idea is to introduce this delicious vegetable in small amounts.
Asparagus can be a choking hazard for dogs depending on how it’s given to them. A piece may be too small for the dog to consider chewing, but it could be too big to swallow whole.
Even though asparagus is considered non-toxic for dogs and a healthy vegetable, they could eat more than they need to. One way a pet parent will be able to tell is if their pup starts getting really gassy or bloated or if their stool gets runny.
Most veggies are good for dogs. However the following are toxic to dogs: garlic, onions, chives, shallots, wild mushrooms, and rhubarb.
Asparagus is considered good for dogs’ kidneys because it is low in potassium. Many dogs with kidney disease also develop ulcers which can be treated with high fiber foods like asparagus.